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“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..
John Milton

Three different characters coexist in a dusty and lonely place, an intimate space forgotten between worlds, inhabited by old books and useless objects.

 They arrived at different times, from different places, but sharing a common characteristic; On their way through life, they let behind many unfinished issues, unanswered questions, and unfulfilled wishes that may be resolved.


The present, made by fragments of the past, builds in an uncertain way the future. By the roads of life we are all Errantes, the history and our story is on the way.

ERRANTES explores the poetics of Circus, Physical Theatre and Live Music, developing a unique vocabulary, amusing and imaginative, actual and close to the audience.

artistic information


An original creation by company El Cruce.


On stage .......................Nicoletta Battaglia,

                                         Ruben Rio,

                                         Raquel San Nicolás


Author and artistic director:  .......  Ruben Rio


Light design ........  Eduardo García


Musical composition...........  Raquel San Nicolas


Graphic design ..............  Nicoletta Battaglia


Fel San Nicolas

Diseño Grafico .................  Nicoletta Batagglia

Fotografía ..............................  Pio Baruque Fotografos

un lugar ideal para que cuentes una historia y permitas que tus usuarios conozcan un poco más sobre ti.



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