NICOLETTA BATTAGLIA (actress and graphics design)
In 2004 gets a degree in “International studies” at the university of Turin (Italy) presenting a cultural anthropology thesis about circus.
She studied circus and theatre (hand balance, acro-balance, object manipulation, clown and physical theatre)attending courses and stages in different schools and spaces around Europe as : ESAC and Espace Catatrophe (Brussels) and the circus school of Moscow.
She studied with different teachers as: Kim Langlet, Pascal Agelier, Jerome Thomas y Cristina Samaniego. Simultaneously she studied contemporary dance, music (trumpet and guitar) and cultural management in different workshops and in a self taught way.
She collaborates with different performing arts companies as: Café de las Artes Teatro, Espacio Espiral, Circo Quimera and Ruido Interno; she also develops her own projects with : La Hoja Roja (physical theatre and social sciences), My car experience (music staged concert), Las Flores en las Higueras (street music), Unsettled (foto and physical-theatre project).
In 2014 founded the contemporary circus company “EL CRUCE”
RUBÉN RÍO (actor and artistic director)
At an early age moves to Madrid to study circus,dance and theatre. Finishing the circus school in Madrid, moves to London and gets graduated in 2004 from the National Centre for Circus Arts, gets specialized in juggling and object manipulation. Has been trained with jugglers of international reference as Jerome Thomas, Maksim Komaro, Stefan Sing,Tim Roberts or Gandini Juggling Project among others.
In London works with Company F/Z in several productions, he also present solo works and collaborates with companies as Generating Company, Jade, Circus Space and Cardboard Citizens as an actor,juggler,researcher and teacher. Found with Stefano Di Renzo the circus theatre company C.i.a LA touring with their show “Hambre” internationally for years.
Back in Spain becomes part of Circo Badin developing artistic and cultural projects in the rural area. Founded member and artistic director of La Hoja Roja develops different artistic projects around circus, theatre, dance and music.
Collaborates with Café de las Artes Teatro in the performances “El viaje” and “Tachán”. Works with his juggling acts in European cabarets and under the tents of Circo Italiano and Circo Quimera.
Ruben has also developed workshops, artistic researches, choreographies and artistic direction for various projects related to contemporary circus and physical theatre.
In 2014 founded the contemporary circus company “EL CRUCE”